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Price list

Name of the materialPriceSilverPlatinumPalladiumRhodum

Current list of retail prices of catalytic converters is available at:

Výmenné kurzy

Waluta Kurs
CAD CAD 2.8035 PLN
EUR EUR 4.1632 PLN
GBP GBP 4.9999 PLN

Ceny suroviny

23.00 +0.03
921.00 +4.00
926.00 -4.00
4150.00 0.00

The difference in prices of individual catalytic converters is a result of several factors. The main of the them is the composition of the converter i.e. the content of noble metals which can be recovered from the converter. Further to that the converter price depends significantly on the degree of wear and tear. Prices of the noble metals recoverable from the catalytic converter are estimated according to the global market prices which change dynamically. This means that, depending on when the converter is sold, its price may vary slightly.
We recommend to start the sale of the catalytic converter by having its price evaluated at several collection points. Using a collection point which offers an online price evaluation will surely accelerate the process. It is also advisable to select a buyer which can collect the converter at the customer’s place and carry it away.

Prices of catalytic converters depend on a number of factors:

In view of all those variable factors the prices offered at the collection points keep changing all the time. This is why it is so important to update the converter price list frequently as it allows the customer to see the actual prices and compare them reliably with those offered by other collection points.
Remember that the final price of a catalytic converter depends on the amount of the noble metals recoverable from the converter.